- Orientation - May 21 (Friday) 3:30-6:30pm
- Kick Off - June 26 (Saturday) - Writing Marathon - 9-12
- July 5 - July 23 - Summer ILI - 8-12 (Zoom) / 1-3 - Reading/writing time
- Fall Conference 9-12 / Follow up day 12-2 - 9/25
- Saturday Seminars
Main Theme for 2021 ILI:
- We know students are going to be at a deficit due to COVID; how can we help students get up to speed?
- How can we support colleagues, admin, parents as well?
(This can also have a major impact on Saturday Seminars)
Overarching Theme (this should be part of the application process - it kind of is but not really):
- What is the problem? (research and evidence based) (SARC, Dashboard, etc.)
- Here is what I am thinking about doing to solve it (research and evidence based)
- Here is how I will assess whether it is working
- Here is how I can revise
2021 GVWP ILI Hopeful Outcome(s): (Co-constructing the ILI)
- Research Skills
- Assessment Skills
- Feedback Skills
- Learn about writing theories/theorists
- More confident in their writing ability