A six-week creative writing camp for students in grades 7-12.

Students will be encouraged to explore creative writing through fiction, fan fiction, flash fiction and poetry. Through generating creative ideas, honing writing skills, and sharing their work in a positive environment, students will gain skills that translate to better academic writing for the coming school year. Students will have time to conference one-on-one with instructors to enhance personal growth. Our objective in this Writing Camp is to open our creative minds and experience the joy of creative writing.

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Session Information:

All sessions meet at the CSU Stanislaus, Turlock Campus

GVWP 2024 Creative Writing Camp.mp4

Meet Your Writing Guides:


Janet Lenards, a GVWP Teacher Consultant, has taught junior high and high school English for over twenty years. Her passion has been teaching students to find their voice through writing. She has mentored students working on both short and long-form creative writing pieces and has helped them polish and submit their work for state-wide competitions. In 2015, she founded and taught a mix-media English class for juniors and seniors. She retired in 2022 and continues to write creative fiction.


Carla Hanson has worked with GVWP for 20 years. As a certified facilitator of Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA). Carla offers workshops for a variety of audiences in a variety of genres. She has published pieces about writing in public schools as well as creative nonfiction pieces in a variety of online and print literary journals. As a retired high school English teacher, she continues to coach high school seniors in writing personal statements for college applications.

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If interested, please register as soon as possible, or if you’d like more information, contact: [email protected]