Join us for an exciting research institute taking place at Stanislaus State from 12-4pm June 10th, 2024 to June 21st, 2024. This institute offers participants the opportunity to develop a research question, conduct research, and write based on their findings. Participants will also have the option to publish their writing.
Great Valley Writing Project Research Institute (2).pdf
“I didn’t even know what a “stipend” when I read the flyer. I knew I wanted to do it for my own benefit. Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile experience & I am extremely proud of my final product. The time crunch applied the necessary pressure to produce—if I dare say—my best paper ever.”
“One week dedicated to research allowed me to hyper-focus on the topic in question. The peers around me & mentor, created a rich learning environment—in which everyone of us was consumed by our computer screens. It’s hard to think of a time where learning felt so powerful.”
“I have never considered myself the best writer so going into this Research Institute was going to be a challenge for me. Showing myself that I was able to do it within this short period of time show me that I capable of that and more. I really enjoy the fact that I had the freedom to research a topic of my interest, which motivated me to keep doing my best.”
“The research institute provided us with deep educational discussions—expanding in all areas of modern education.”