The Great Valley Writing Project is funded through the California Writing Project, an entity of the California Subject Matter Projects, and the National Writing Project. The writing project focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners. GVWP provides Professional Development for schools and districts, Inquiry Groups, Family Literacy Programs, and Young Writers' Programs. The GVWP serves Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties.
Guiding Principles and Goals of the Great Valley Writing Project
Host a Great Valley Writing Project Speaker
The Great Valley Writing Project Blog
GVWP Director: Dr. Brett Ashmun
Social Emotional / Personal Development Book Study
Creative Writing Camp (June/July 2024)
Upcoming Research Institute at Stanislaus State (June 2024)
Invitational Leadership Institute
Self-Care & Teacher Sustainability
How Do I Start and Lead a Book Study?